Thursday, February 14, 2008

Understanding Culture

"Where there are people, there is Culture"

Why it is so important to know about Culture or Cultures?
Culture is s system of living by those in a particular society, it is a attitdues and behaviors unconsciously assimilate.

As Youth Workers it is really important to know about culture, because these knowledge gives us the permission to get into the world of those who we want to reach. The new generation living in a post modern worldview were everybody, individually chose what to do, what to say and what to believe, can be very tricky to understand just because it seems that every single one is going in a differente way, but this first image it is just because we are not acquainted of certain ways of behavior, or specifics attidues that this social groups, cultures or sub-cultures have in comun.

To know about differents cultures it doesn mean that we have to become part of them, it could be even worse if we try to look like a teenager in our middle 20 or 30, it is better to know about it, but keep our owns believes and thoughs, this make us legitimate in a foreign world.

As Youth Worker we should expend time studing and understanding the different cultures that get together in our youth council, or in our youth meetings every week at our church, so in this way we are going to know how to preach the word of God, to all this different worlds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Felipe,

I would agree. Engaging youth is like engaging a missionary culture in a foreign land and requires the same amount of commitment that a missionary takes to effectively communicate the gospel and establish a truly contextualized, but uncompromised expression of church.

How can we learn from the rigor of the missionary process to better learn how to share the gospel with youth cultures?