Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Internet" Generation

Last week I was shock by the fact that this happend, and it is real!

I was reading the newspaper from my country, Chile, and this news call my attention: "American Girl fall in love wiht a Chilean guy", there is nothing new about it, but the interesting part of it, was that this relationshiop began on the internet, no phone calls, no regular mail, not even webcams, just email, and chat. I kept reading and i found out that this american girl went to Chile to meet her boyfriend; she got to Chile, exaited that she was about to meet the love of his life, and sadly it turn to be nothing real, it was all a lie!, this suppost boyfriend turn to be a women who stole a name and a personality from some random guy in Chile ( she kind of went to google and looked after Chilean male names ), and there she was, in Chile, alone and broken heart.

I share this storie because it is true, and it seems to be something really normal in the present time, and it is not just with adults, it is really close to young people, and even kids.

What I share, gives us the perfect example of what young people is doing over the internet, they are faking identities, faking their age and gender, and they are creating this new character in their lives, and as it is begind the computer, and nobody can see them, it seems like the perfect way to get away of the reality; and this reality could be not being accept at school, being reject for the peers, or just some psychological disorder.

Young people are involve in this enviroment of technology, everything that surroend them has something to do with computers, like ipods, video games ( psp, xbox, ds), video cameras, cameras and so on, and this make it easy for them to do what ever they want on internet, there is not rules on internet, there is not rules in chat rooms, blogs, or communities, surely there are some exceptions, but who can control over 160 millios of members at the same time? this is the number that communities like MySpace and Facebook work with.

So practicaly there are not rule, and this alow to the young to do whatever they want, no body is watching them, no body is recording tracks, or following patterns of behavior, probably because there is nothing to see, or there is nothing to watch or to follow, because everything happend over the net, on internet. Youth has the control over this world, it is easier for guys and girls who are not accept by their peers as who they are, to create realtionships over the internet, because people can not see them so they are in a very confortable zone, it make youth a lazy generations, almost everything is on internet now, books, homework, food, clothes, dates, friends, even school, everything is on internet ( this is one excus that they use to get internet "mom my homework is on the shcool website" etc). so there is not reason to go out, and it is even better, not one has to see me, and i can be a little bit more crazy and do stuff that I could not do in front of everyone; but this has another side as well, the side of those who take advantage of this Online situation, and came with jokes, lies and differents thinks to make the life of this people difficult.

And then we get to the part were the parents are not even in control of all this, some of them have or think they have the control over all this situation, getting firewall, setting up the computer in a place where everybody can see it, but youth folks are smart and they always get away of this, problably they have one friend whos parents are not home so they can go and chat with our restrictions, or filters, which were provided by the Safe feeling of being home.

But until what point are parents alow to invide the private life of their kids, does the fact of being their mom gives her the authority over the child?, or if we go a little bit to south america, we can maybe here "under my roof my rules", maybe parents should be more in contact with their sons and daugthers, so they can of prevent this situations of isolation and taking my life apart of reallity, because it feels really good to have the atteniton of everyone, and everyone who can not see me, and never guess who it really is, can get to know me a lit bit, and i can show my self to them through pictures, and videos.

This are things that we have to think about, this are things that are happenign right under our noses, what should be do? take apart computers, and star a campaing to avoid the use of computers? or should be teach our youth, kids, young, sons, daugthers, how to use it and really take the good part of it?

There are so many questions going on, it is a actual topic, and it keeps developing, and it wont stop, until somebody say or do something. are we willing to do that? or are we really feeling confortable with all this things?

peace to all


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

SFOT, Sunday January 20th, 2008

I dont know how to describe the feeling i had this past sunday. it was a mix between feeling sad, feeling happy, feeling excited and worry, all at the same time.

I learned one time, that everything has an end, and sadly last sunday was or last day in SFOT Ministry site, in the beginning was really hard, but we worked hard and we did our best, until we got to the point that not matter what we did, it wasn't enough, there was always something, something else that we could do, some game, art craft, song or activitie, and I, from a very personal point of view, believe that being in that point, is part of my new challenge, were i began to create my own standars of what I want, and how I would like to do it, or how I like to do it.

To be Student, give me the freedom to make mistakes, (I believe that is another way to learn) it is not something that comes to my mind like "Ok now I am ready to make a mistake", or "Well, I think it is time for a little mistake", it just happend, but what I learn was to be alert of those changes, last minutes request, or different other things that are going to happend and that always are going to be there.

This week was not the exception, we lost one of our members in our way to our last Sunday School Program, we can not say that this situation happend because we were looking for it, it just happend, and we had to handle the situation, we had to make some changes in the responsabilities of the program, we had to learn new things in a short time, and we had to keep going, because the program was waiting for us, everything ended perfectly with the program, we ran a little bit over time, but it was ok, none of one has a watch, so now we are going to remember forever, that at least one of us has to get a watch.

This sunday we saw how working in team make things easily, and when it comes to fix or to help one to another, it is easy because we are all in the same track, doing the same things, and working under the same idea.

The best lesson I learned this time is to be humble, to be teachable, and to be servant, with out this things I could freak out and give up, but it is not because of me, it is because of God, the creator, my God and Lord, and I dont want more that give Him my best.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


El otro dia me encontre mirando esta foto:

..."dos personas llenas de carino y alegria, que a pesar de todas las complicaciones siguen juntos y mirando hacia en futuro con esperanza"

Esa es la impresion que dan, ESE ES VERDADERO AMOR, desde donde yo lo veo, creo que es a ese tipo de relaciones al cual se refieren los escritores de novelas de amor, ese amor que a pesar de "Dragones", "Castillos", "Ejercitos", "Sueno", permanece, y es mas, da fuerzas para superar cualquier tipo de obstaculo.
Me impresiona cada dia ver como se desarrolla la relacion de estas dos personas, que a todo esto ya son de una edad bastante madura, no son viejos, pero si de basta experiencia ( lo noto en las canas que llevan, Jajaja), no es que los ande mirando todo el tiempo y que este pendiente de lo que hacen, pero cada vez que tengo la oportunidad de verlos juntos, VERDADERO AMOR, es lo que primero llega a mi mente.
Talvez las cosas no fueron siempre asi, talvez la enfermedad presente, llego en un momento adelantado de la relacion, talvez despues de los hijos, o cuando los hijos ya estaban grandes, en verdad no se, lo que si veo es que siempre estan juntos, y sonriendo.
Parkinson, una enfermedad que por lo que veo afecta el sistema sicomotor, es decir, afecta las extremidades, y el sistema nervioso que controla el movimiento; mi hermana sabria explicarlo mejor, con terminos y todo eso, pero eso es lo que yo entiendo de lo que veo, no he hecho ninguna investigacion, ni nada por el estilo podria mover mi mano mover el mouse y buscarlo en google, pero si lo hago perderia las ganas de escribir, google es un mundo aparte, es parte de otra conversacion.
Tuve que tomar una clase con estas dos personas, no se si los dos tenian que estar ahi con nosotros, pero estaban siempre, el siempre con un chiste a flor de boca, y ella muy cortes, elegante, y reservada; la clase era hacerca de lo creemos, de nuestra fe, y de los fundamentos de nuestra religion; que mejor que hablar de Fe y del poder de Dios (con alguien que lo vive dia a dia, osea, tener una enfermedad que es progresiba y que a pesar de tener tratamientos, aun no ahi una cura concreta), fueron unas clases muy buenas, me dejaron mucho para pensar, y cada vez que los veo juntos esos pensamientos vienen a mi, y me reflejan de una manera practica como el amor de Dios debe trabajar en nosotros, osea nosotros estamos enfermos cronicos del pecado, y a pesar de todos los tratamientos, curas, inyecciones, y todo eso, seguimos enfermos, y para algunos (contandome a mi primero) ni siquiera el sacrificio de la cruz es suficiente, cuanto mas Dios tiene que hacer para que entendamos su amor hacia nosotros?
Yo lo veo reflejado en estas dos personas, la sociedad se esta enfocando en buscar la cura a las enfermedades antes de que los ninos nascan, queremos tener hijos que no se enfermen, para poder hacer nuestra vida mas facil, pero en ellos las cosas no han sido faciles, en el ultimo tiempo, cirugias, drogas, hospitales, anestecias, cuidados intensivos, no facil, pero todo rodeado de amor se hace mas llevadero.
Dios nos ama de tal manera (de una manera que no entendemos por que si la entendiaramos no estariamos aca) que dio a su hijo, alguien que no tenia culpa, y nosotros sin asco lo mandamos a la cruz, y cada vez q pecamos le pisamos el cuello, como si ya no hubiera tenido suficiente con la cruz.
Dios nos ama de tal manera, que a pesar de que estemos enfermos y que hagamos lo que queramos con su hijo, el sigue a nuestro lado, nos acompana, nos abre las puertas, y nos libra de todo mal posible, osea no vamos a decir que es la suerte, que son nuestras decisiones las que nos llevan a donde estamos, es Dios, y su gran amor hacia nosotros el que nos libra de todo eso.
Ver a este matrimonio me inspira, antes queria encontrar el amor de mi vida, alguien que me complemente, pero ahora quiero ser el encontrado, quiero ser la persona que alguien esta esperando, yo quiero ser el complemento, se puede tomar desde un punto de vista de orgullo, y ego, pero para mi el ser un complemento significa dar todo lo que tengo para ser y hacer feliz, un sacrificion por amor.

Sacrifio por amor. De Dios hacia el hombre a traves de Jesucristo.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

SFOT, Children's Worship Sunday January 13, 2008

Children's Worship is an special time for the kids, it is right after sunday school, and at the same time that Spritual day for the Cadets. Maybe, we can think that this time is to keep the kids away from they parents so they can focus on what they are doing in their Spiritual day, which is kind of right. We also can think that it is a time where we are give them some sort of entertainment time, were they play, sing, make crafts, etc. Which could be right too.

But, the other day when i was thinking and preparing the program for Children's Worship, I put this situation in the other direction, what if it is not the kids who are take apart from their parents, instead, it is their parents who are take apart of the kids, so they can enjoy a time created specially for them were they can be kids, and play, scream, run, and sing, and learn?

It is silly, i know, but isn't the way we think when we are about to prepar a program for the kids, "Oh, it is a spiritual day ( for the adults ) let's take the kids apart and give them some kind of entertainment while we are in the meeting".

Kids have the same importance that the adults, they have needs, just like the aduls have, they have feelings just like the aduls have, and they need God, just like the adults need God.

So under this personal conclusion, I understood that kids are important, and they need my 100%, or maybe they need my 150%, because, let me tell you, KIDS CAN RUN AND BE LOUD!!!.

I was the lucky one, i came late to school, so i was the last in the list to lead a sunday program, through this way, i saw how we made mistakes, how we were correct but I also saw how we were getting more and more tools, attitudes, energy, and experince, to the point were everything went the way we thought, we had a complete program, with songs, games, Bible verse, puppets, activities,but there is always something, ALWAYS SOMETHING.

This time, it wasnt the program, this time we thought in how can we involve the people arround us, people how is around ones in a while; maybe if you involve them in what you are doing, that one time in church can become two, three and more, then just God knows what can happend. But think in this way, we are not talking about people we are meeting for the very first time, but we are talking about the parent who decide to go to church with her daugther, or maybe it is some voluteer of your daily feed programs how decide to show up on sunday, or it is a volunteer of you After School Program. So that was what happend to us today, a big number of the Daily Care Center joined us in the Children's Worship, it was something that just happend today, alot of volunteers and few number of kids, so after the program in our time to reflex about what we did, this question came to us, how can we get them involve in what we are doing?

It is hard to answer it right now, but I think i have to be ready, and to see beyond what I noramally see, and the first thought that come to my mind is that I need to be aware of what God is telling me, and the first step to do that, the first step to listen at God, is to pray, Prayer is one of our more powerful tools.

"Do not be anxios about anything, but in everything, with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and his peace which transcend all understanding will guarg your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"

Philippians 4: 6-7 (NIV)

This is my prayer for this week, I want to hear more from God, I want to say less, but I want to hear more at what God has to tell me.
