Sunday, March 2, 2008

Friday After School Program Visit

The conflict between the moral responsibility, and the legal responsibility.

This past Friday I was face to this question, what I am going to do if I see the need in the community, but I don’t reach the legal standard?.

Probably in the every day ministry we are going to face this question, probably it is not going to be so general like: should I run a after school program if I don’t have the license and the permission from the respective authority?, but it probably would sound like: should I help that little illegal kid, who just came to the country, he doesn’t have papers to go to the doctor or to even apply to a school, or for others after school programs?

From our Moral or for our Christian point of view, we probably are going to choose to help, because that is what we are told, but what comes with this decision, what are the repercussions of out acts, I have to remember that I am not alone in this, and that I am part of a bigger organization and that I have to be responsible in front of the respective authorities.

This past Friday I was challenge to do what is right to do, I was challenge to go “against the flow”, or to “go with the flow” it depends from were you see it, but most of all, to do what is right, when is right.

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